Wreck diving in Istria

Wreck diving in Istria

The best spots and important tips
Istria, the largest peninsula in the Adriatic, is not only known for its picturesque coastal towns and rich culture, but also for its fascinating underwater world. For divers, there are numerous opportunities to explore impressive shipwrecks. In this article, we discover the best wreck diving spots in Istria and provide valuable tips on what you should look out for.

The top wreck diving spots in Istria

1. Wreck of the Baron Gautsch

The wreck of the Baron Gautsch is one of the best-known and best-preserved wrecks in the Adriatic. It lies about 8 kilometres off the coast of Rovinj at a depth of 28 to 40 metres. The Baron Gautsch, a passenger ship from the Austrian Lloyd fleet, sank in 1914 during the First World War after hitting a mine. Today it is a paradise for wreck divers, surrounded by colourful shoals of fish and rich in marine life.

Tip: Due to the depth and the often strong current, this dive is recommended for experienced divers. Visibility is usually better in the summer months.

2. Wreck of the Giuseppe Dezza

The Giuseppe Dezza, originally built as a torpedo boat for the Italian navy, was later converted into a minesweeper. It was sunk by a British aircraft in 1944 and now lies at a depth of 33 metres south of Rovinj. The wreck is relatively well preserved and divers can gain interesting insights into the structure of the ship.

Tip: This spot is ideal for divers who enjoy exploring the details and history of a warship. The moderate depth also makes it suitable for advanced beginners.

3. Wreck of the Coriolanus

The Coriolanus, a British minesweeper, was sunk by a mine in 1945. The wreck is located at a depth of 11 to 25 metres near Novigrad and is particularly known for its good visibility and rich biodiversity. The wreck is broken into several pieces, which makes it particularly interesting for exploration.

Tip: Due to the relatively shallow depth and good visibility, this spot is also suitable for less experienced divers. It is advisable to take an underwater camera with you to capture the many different fish and plants.

4. Wreck of the Hans Schmidt (Istra)

The Hans Schmidt, also known as the Istra, is a German cargo ship that sank in 1943 after hitting a mine. The wreck lies at a depth of 30 to 40 metres off Pula. With its length of over 100 metres, it offers divers the opportunity to navigate through the decks and explore the fascinating remains.

Tip: This dive requires good buoyancy control and experience in wreck diving, as entering the ship’s holds can be a challenge. Always dive with an experienced guide to ensure safety.

5. Wreck of the Flamingo

The Flamingo, a small passenger ship, sank in the 1980s near Medulin. The wreck lies at a depth of 20 metres and is known for its impressive remains, which are overgrown with marine life. It offers a rather leisurely dive with many photographic opportunities.

Tip: Due to the shallower depth, this spot is ideal for beginners and divers who want to specialise in wreck diving. However, be aware of possible currents that can occur in the area.

Important tips for wreck diving in Istria

1. Preparation and safety

Wreck diving can be challenging due to the depth, currents and complexity of the wrecks. It is important that divers are well prepared and experienced. Before you set off, you should make sure that your diving equipment is in perfect condition and that you have the necessary certificates and experience.

2. Knowledge of the diving conditions

Always check the current weather and diving conditions in advance. Currents can be strong and visibility can vary depending on the time of year. Local diving schools and centres are a good source of up-to-date information and can also offer guided dives.

3. The right equipment

For wreck dives, you will need special equipment such as a good diving torch to explore the dark areas of the wrecks, as well as a reserve air source. A dive computer and an underwater camera can also be useful to make your dives safer and more exciting.

4. Responsible diving

Wrecks are sensitive underwater habitats and historical sites. Divers should take care not to damage the wrecks and the surrounding marine environment. Do not touch corals or marine life and do not take anything from the wreck to the surface.

5. Diving with a guide

Even experienced divers benefit from the local knowledge of a dive guide. An experienced guide can help you find the best parts of the wreck and ensure safety. Many diving centres in Istria offer guided dives to the most famous wrecks.

6. Respect for the law

It is important to comply with local laws and regulations. In Croatia, there are specific regulations for diving on historical wrecks, and divers often need permits. Make sure you have the necessary paperwork before you go into the water.

Our summary

Istria offers some of the best wreck diving spots in the Adriatic, from historic warships to passenger ships that have been reclaimed by nature. Whether you are an experienced diver or a beginner, you will be amazed by the diversity and richness of the underwater world. With the right preparation and respect for the marine environment, you can experience unforgettable adventures. Dive in and discover the fascinating stories that lie hidden beneath the surface of the blue Adriatic.

Vegetarian dishes in Croatia

Vegetarian dishes in Croatia

A journey of discovery through Mediterranean cuisine
Croatia, known for its breathtaking Adriatic coastline and historic cities, offers not only picturesque landscapes but also a diverse culinary tradition. For vegetarians, the country can be a true paradise, as Croatian cuisine is rich in fresh ingredients and plant-based dishes. Find out here which vegetarian delicacies you can discover on your trip through Croatia.

Fresh ingredients from the region

In Croatia, fresh, seasonal ingredients play a central role in the kitchen. The country’s markets offer an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, which are often used in traditional recipes. From sun-ripened tomatoes and peppers to juicy courgettes and aubergines – Croatian farmers’ markets offer everything a vegetarian’s heart desires.

Traditional vegetarian dishes

Croatia has a rich selection of traditional dishes that also delight vegetarians. One of the best known is soparnik, a savoury dish from Dalmatia. It consists of thin dough filled with chard and onions and is baked in a traditional wood-fired oven. Another highlight is Pasticada od Povrća, a vegetarian version of the famous Dalmatian stew, which uses vegetables instead of meat.

Manestra, a savoury bean soup from Istria, can also be enjoyed in a meat-free version. This soup combines different types of beans with potatoes, carrots and other vegetables and is perfect for colder days.

Modern vegetarian cuisine

In addition to traditional dishes, vegetarian cuisine in Croatia has developed considerably in recent years. In cities such as Zagreb, Split and Dubrovnik, there are numerous restaurants offering creative vegetarian and vegan dishes. From innovative salads to sophisticated pasta creations – modern Croatian cuisine is diverse and inspiring.

Croatian tapas: Meze

Croatian meze, a selection of small dishes that are often served as a starter, offer a special culinary experience. Vegetarian options such as ajvar (a spicy pepper paste), sir i vrhnje (cheese and sour cream) and marinated olives are ideal for sampling a variety of flavours.

Our summary

Croatia is a country that welcomes vegetarians with open arms. The combination of fresh, regional ingredients and a rich culinary tradition offers countless opportunities to enjoy vegetarian cuisine. Whether you want to try traditional dishes or discover modern creations, Croatia has something for everyone.

Discover the diversity of vegetarian cuisine in Croatia and be enchanted by the Mediterranean way of life!

Typical desserts in Istria

Typical desserts and sweets from Istria

A culinary journey
Istria, the beautiful peninsula in north-west Croatia, is not only known for its picturesque coastline and historic towns, but also for its rich culinary tradition. Istrian cuisine combines Mediterranean flavours with continental influences to create unique and delicious dishes. The region’s sweets and desserts in particular are a real treat for the palate. Here are some of the typical Istrian desserts that you should definitely try.

Fritule: The small, sweet balls

Fritule are small, spherical pastries reminiscent of miniature donuts. These delicious balls are made from a simple dough that is traditionally flavoured with sultanas, rum and citrus peel. After being deep-fried in hot oil, fritule are generously dusted with icing sugar. They are particularly popular at Christmas time and during festivals, spreading their irresistible aroma in the street markets.

Kroštule: crispy strips of flavour

Kroštule are crispy strips of dough that are deeply rooted in Istrian tradition. The dough is rolled out into thin strips, twisted and then deep-fried until golden brown and crispy. After frying, the kroštule are also dusted with icing sugar. This sweet is particularly popular at weddings and parties and is a favourite with young and old alike.

Rožata: The Istrian crème caramel

Rožata, also known as rafioli, is a type of Istrian crème caramel. This dessert consists of a creamy custard mixture that is baked in a caramel sauce. After cooling, the rožata is turned over so that the golden caramel sauce flows over the dessert. This elegant dessert is a classic example of fine yet simple Istrian cuisine.

Hrostule: The sweet Easter biscuit

Hrostule are a traditional Easter pastry that is often confused with Kroštule. The dough for Hrostule is formed into small knots and also deep-fried. The special thing about this pastry is its aromatic flavour, which is created by adding citrus fruits and sometimes aniseed. After frying, the Hrostule are coated with a sugar or honey glaze, which gives them an extra sweet kick.

Istrian jam tarts: The sweet temptation

Another highlight of Istrian dessert culture are the various jam cakes. These cakes are often filled with a layer of local jam, such as fig or plum jam. The cake is made from a buttery shortcrust pastry that harmonises perfectly with the fruity filling. These cakes are particularly popular at tea time and are a must for anyone who wants to discover the sweet side of Istria.

Maskačì: The traditional dumplings

Maskačì are small dumplings filled with a mixture of almonds, sugar and cinnamon. This tasty treat is made from a delicate dough that is baked in hot oil after being filled. After baking, the Maskačì are generously dusted with icing sugar. This sweet is particularly popular during the Christmas season and at festivities and delights with its rich flavour.

Pandišpanja: The fluffy sponge cake

Pandišpanja is a light, fluffy sponge cake that is often served at parties and special occasions. This cake is made from simple ingredients such as eggs, sugar and flour and gets its light texture from beating the eggs. Pandišpanja is often served with fresh fruit or jam and is a perfect dessert for hot summer days.

Klapači: The filled biscuits

Klapači are traditional Istrian biscuits filled with jam or nuts. The dough is cut into small rounds, filled and then folded before the biscuits are baked. After baking, they are dusted with icing sugar. These biscuits are a popular snack between meals and a wonderful souvenir from Istria.

Istrian truffle desserts: Luxurious temptations

Istria is famous for its truffles, and these precious mushrooms also find their way into sweet creations. Truffle chocolate and truffle pralines are luxurious desserts that combine the rich and earthy flavour of truffles with the sweetness of chocolate. These unique desserts are a must for gourmets looking for something special.

Our summary

Istrian sweets and desserts reflect the rich culture and culinary traditions of this fascinating region. From simple fried treats to luxurious truffle desserts, Istria offers a variety of sweet delicacies to please every palate. Whether you are a fan of traditional or modern desserts, you are sure to find something to delight your taste buds in Istria.

What to do in case of seasickness


Prevention and alleviation
Seasickness, also known as kinetosis, is a form of motion sickness caused by the repetitive motion of a vehicle, such as a ship or boat. This illness occurs when the brain receives conflicting signals from the eyes, inner ear and sensory receptors. Typical symptoms are dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Preventive measures against seasickness

  1. Choose the right position on board: The best place on a ship to avoid seasickness is in the centre, close to the waterline. This is where the movements of the ship are the least. A position on deck, where fresh air and a clear view of the horizon are possible, can also help.
  2. Stabilisation of the gaze: Fix your gaze on a fixed point on the horizon. This helps to minimise the conflicting signals that the brain receives.
  3. Avoidance of visual stress: Reading or looking at screens can exacerbate symptoms as these activities increase the discrepancy between visual and balance signals.
  4. Food and drinks: It is advisable to eat light, low-fat meals before and during the journey. Avoid heavy, fatty or strongly flavoured foods. The consumption of alcohol and drinks containing caffeine should also be limited, as these can aggravate the symptoms.
  5. Drug prevention: Medication such as dimenhydrinate or scopolamine patches can be taken as a preventative measure. However, these medications are not suitable for everyone and should only be used after consulting a doctor.
  6. Acupressure bracelets: These bands apply pressure to the Nei-Kuan point on the wrist, which can help reduce nausea. Effectiveness can vary, but many people report positive experiences.
  7. Relaxation techniques: Breathing exercises, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation can help to reduce the physical and mental tension that often contributes to the worsening of seasickness.

Measures for relief after the onset of seasickness

  1. Fresh air and a view: As soon as the symptoms appear, get out into the fresh air and look at the horizon. This can help to reduce the conflicting signals and alleviate the symptoms.
  2. Occupy a quiet location: If possible, lie flat on your back and close your eyes. This reduces the discrepancy between the sensory impressions and can help to alleviate the symptoms.
  3. Hydration and light food: Drink small amounts of water or herbal teas to stay hydrated. However, avoid large amounts at once as this can promote vomiting. Light snacks such as dry biscuits or rusks can also help to alleviate symptoms.
  4. Ginger: Ginger is a well-known remedy for nausea. You can drink ginger tea, take ginger capsules or chew on a piece of fresh ginger.
  5. Medication against seasickness: If you have not taken any preventative medication, drugs such as dimenhydrinate or meclozine can be taken after the onset of symptoms. These can alleviate the symptoms and should be used as directed by a doctor.
  6. Aromatherapy: Essential oils such as peppermint or lavender can help to reduce nausea. You can drizzle a few drops on a cloth and smell it to relieve the symptoms.
  7. Behaviour and mental attitude: Sometimes a positive mental attitude can help to control the symptoms. Distractions such as listening to music or talking to fellow travellers can help to make the symptoms less intense.

Our summary

Seasickness can be an unpleasant experience, but one that can be significantly alleviated through preventative measures and targeted relief techniques. Proper preparation and understanding the mechanisms behind seasickness are key to maximising the enjoyment of a sea voyage. If you regularly suffer from seasickness, consult a doctor to find the best individualised strategies and treatments.

Istrian dishes

Local dishes in Croatia

A culinary journey of discovery
Istria, the largest peninsula in the northern Adriatic, is known not only for its breathtaking scenery, but also for its rich culinary tradition. Istrian cuisine is a harmonious blend of Mediterranean and continental influences, characterised by fresh, local ingredients and traditional recipes. In this article, we discover some of Istria’s most characteristic local dishes that every foodie should try.

1. truffles: the black and white treasure of Istria

Istria is known worldwide for its truffles, especially white truffles, which are considered the most expensive and sought-after. Truffle dishes are ubiquitous in Istria and range from simple truffle omelettes to sophisticated pasta dishes such as fuži with truffles. Fuži is a traditional Istrian pasta served in a creamy truffle sauce that perfectly brings out the earthy, intense flavour of the truffle.

2. pršut: Istrian ham

Pršut, the air-dried ham, is another highlight of Istrian cuisine. This ham is produced using traditional methods and is dried for several months in the fresh Istrian mountain air. Pršut is often served as an appetiser with olives, cheese and homemade bread. The flavour is intense yet delicate, a real treat for any meat lover.

3. maneštra: the Istrian stew

Maneštra is a savoury stew that is considered one of the staple foods of Istria. There are many variations of this dish, but the basic ingredients are usually beans, potatoes, various vegetables and often some meat such as bacon or sausage. This stew is perfect for the colder months and offers a wonderful mix of flavours and textures.

4. Peka: Meat and vegetables under the bell

Peka is a traditional cooking method in which meat and vegetables are slow-cooked in a closed clay pot covered by hot coals. This dish can be prepared with different types of meat such as lamb, veal or squid. The slow cooking ensures that the flavours meld together perfectly and the meat becomes particularly tender and juicy.

5. fritule: Sweet delicacies

Fritule are small, deep-fried dough balls that are often flavoured with sultanas, citrus peel and a dash of schnapps. They are traditionally served at Christmas time and at festivals. These sweet treats are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, a real delight for anyone with a sweet tooth.

6. Istrian olive oil: the green gold

Olive oil from Istria is one of the best in the world and is an integral part of the local cuisine. The oil is made from indigenous olive varieties and is characterised by its fruity flavour and slight spiciness. It is not only used for cooking, but is also enjoyed on its own with bread and in salads.

7. Fish and seafood: fresh from the Adriatic

The proximity to the sea makes Istria a paradise for fish lovers. Local specialities such as brodet (a fish stew), grilled octopus and scampi are ubiquitous in the coastal restaurants. The fish is often caught directly by the fishermen early in the morning and is therefore always fresh and full of flavour.

8. Tartufi: Truffle paradise

The forests of Istria are rich in truffles, especially around the towns of Buzet and Motovun. Truffle hunters with their trained dogs set off in search of these precious tubers. Truffle dishes such as fuži with truffles, scrambled eggs with truffles and truffle risotto are culinary highlights not to be missed in Istria.

9. Žgvacet: Traditional meat ragout

Žgvacet is a traditional Istrian ragout, often made from chicken or veal. The meat is slowly stewed in a sauce of tomatoes, onions, garlic and wine until it is tender and flavourful. This dish is often served with polenta or homemade pasta and is a wonderful example of Istria’s down-to-earth cuisine.

10. Soparnik: Istrian pizza

Soparnik, also known as Istrian pizza, is a simple but delicious dish made from thin dough filled with chard, garlic and onions. The dough is traditionally baked on an open fire, which gives it a unique, smoky flavour. Soparnik is a perfect snack or side dish and reflects the rustic side of Istrian cuisine.

Our Summary

The local dishes of Istria offer a diverse and rich palette of flavours that reflect both tradition and the quality of local produce. From savoury stews to delicate seafood and sweet treats, Istrian cuisine has something for everyone. When visiting Istria, you should definitely take the opportunity to discover and savour these culinary treasures.

Plan your next sailing holiday in Croatia with us and experience the incredibly indulgent cuisine of Istria. Under Restaurants you can find some of the best restaurants.

Vaccinations for your Croatia holiday

Which vaccinations do I need for my holiday in Croatia?

To ensure that your trip is carefree and safe, it is important to find out about the necessary vaccinations. Which vaccinations are required for a holiday in Croatia? You can find an overview here.
Please note that we are not doctors. So check with your doctor beforehand about individual vaccinations and their necessity.

1. Basic immunisation & standard vaccinations

Before you start your trip to Croatia, you should make sure that your standard vaccinations are up to date according to the current vaccination calendar of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). This includes:

  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Polio (polio)
  • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
  • Influenza (flu)
  • Hepatitis B (especially for longer stays or close contact with the local population)

2. Travel-specific vaccinations

In addition to the standard vaccinations, there are some travel-specific vaccinations that may be recommended depending on the type and duration of the trip:

  • Hepatitis A: This vaccination is recommended for travellers staying in Croatia, especially for longer stays or if you consume local food and drink.
  • TBE (tick-borne encephalitis): Croatia is a risk area for tick-borne encephalitis. Especially if you are planning to hike or camp in rural or wooded areas, a TBE vaccination is advisable.

3. Specific recommendations

Additional vaccinations may be advisable for certain groups of people or special activities:

  • Rabies: If you have close contact with animals, e.g. when hiking or working in animal shelters, a rabies vaccination may be recommended.

4. Travel first-aid kit

In addition to vaccinations, you should also carry a well-stocked first-aid kit. In addition to personal medication, this should also contain remedies for diarrhoea, insect bites and sunburn. Remember to take tick repellent and suitable clothing for outdoor activities.

Our summary

A holiday in Croatia does not require any special compulsory vaccinations, but the standard vaccinations should be up to date. Hepatitis A and TBE are recommended depending on the activities and location. Ask your family doctor or a travel medicine centre in good time before your trip to draw up an individual vaccination plan. This will ensure you are well prepared and can enjoy your next holiday in Croatia to the fullest.